Entrevista a Albert Tarrés y Jordi Despuig, autores de Dracs

Jordi Despuig es uno de los autores en reescribir Dracs. Algo que él define como su meta, su destino, la culminación de su afición al rol y particularmente de Aquelarre.

Jordi ha publicado, junto con Albert Tarrés, un módulo en la revista Nivel 9 de Nosolorol y, además, otra para el juego de rol Kobold.

No obstante, en este fantástico viaje de 260 páginas llamado Dracs, es lo que le gustaría que llenara de emoción y aventuras a quienes puedan disfrutarla.

Jordi, “JR Despuig”

Natural de: Girona

Fecha de nacimiento: 13 de Agosto de 1975

Libro favorito: Imposible. Diré… El Señor de los Anillos.

Juego de rol favorito: Aquelarre.

Juego de mesa favorito: Galactica

Juego de cartas favorito: Hero Realms

Albert Tarrés es uno de los autores en reescribir Dracs. Para Albert, aunque algo simplificado, los comics, los libros y el cine llenaron gran parte de su ocio hasta que el rol entró en su vida. La caída en sus manos de Aquelarre tiene la culpa, curiosamente, en parte del mismo personaje que a Jordi Despuig aunque de forma indirecta y años más tarde. Un hecho que ocurrió tras unas birras con unos amigos en un lugar llamado Excalibur (local que ya ni siquiera existe en mi ciudad, Girona) en el que se explicaban antiguas anécdotas roleras en las que el señor Atienza era uno de los protagonistas.

Una cosa llevó a la otra y aquí se encuentra entrevistado por reescribir Dracs.

Albert Tarrés i Figueras

Natural de: Girona

Fecha de nacimiento: 07 de Diciembre de 1973

Blog: Aquelarredvanced

Club: Nunca he estado en un club propiamente dicho, pero si en un par de grupos estables de juego, y que son un grupo de buenos amigos más que un club

Libro favorito: Si bien el Hobbit lo empezó todo y siempre tendrá ese lugar especial en mi corazón, te voy a decir dos El Elfo Oscuro de Salvatore y las Memorias de Sherlock Holmes de Conan Doyle.

Juego de rol favorito: Aquelarre.

Juego de mesa favorito: Alatriste, pero los basados en Cthulhu como Arkham Horror me llaman mucho.

Juego de cartas favorito: Seven Wonders, aunque los Munchkin también tienen su qué.

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Entrevista a Rodrigo Fernández, “Rodro”, autor de Ex Mundo Tenebrarum

Rolero desde los 14 años, asturiano, trashumante. Director de juego de Aquelarre, Fading Suns, Cyberpunk, Pendragon, Runequest, Stormbringer/Elric. Sus primeras aventuras se escribieron en un bloc de notas, luego pasó a la maquina de escribir y, por último, al ordenador.

Además de la campaña Ex Mundo Tenebrarum, para el juego de rol Aquelarre, ha publicado varias aventuras en la revista Nivel 9 de Nosolorol Ediciones, en uno de sus entregas del Día del Juego de Rol Gratuito y en el blog Rerum Demoni.

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Interview with Andy Chambers

Andy Chambers is a games developer who started writing his own rules for fantasy battle games at a very young age, inventing rules and gaming tactics for Airfix WWII models. A lot of his early inspiration came from the SELWG Middle Earth rules system, which also gave him a life-long habit of playing the forces of evil as Orcs and Goblins.

Andy’s youth was marked by an ever-diversifying interest in gaming, roleplaying games, sinking ever deeper into gaming in general and Games Workshop’s Adeptus Titanicus game (by the redoubtable Jervis Johnson) in particular.

In late ’89 Andy sent in a submission for White Dwarf that was initially turned down. Several rewrites later he was given temporary employment and due to a willingness to do any jobs required (including taking photos of the miniatures to the White Dwarf) he eventually got a permanent job as a games developer.

He properly started by producing expansions and supplements for the 2nd edition of the Adeptus Titanicus game, Space Marine. Over fourteen years Andy worked in the development of all of Games Workshop’s core game systems, culminating with 2nd, 3rd and 4th editions of Warhammer 40,000 game, several editions of the Epic game, Necromunda, Battlefleet Gothic, Gorkamorka and Codexes.

Andy was gradually over several years entrusted with running the Warhammer 40,000 games development team, starting after 40,000 2nd edition and solidified during 40,000 3rd edition, recruiting and training a new generation of games developers and adopting the suitably evil-overlord title of “40,0000 Overfirend”. As a result of all of this, his impact on Games Workshop is largely unquestionable.

Fourteen years later, Andy left Games Workshop to pursue other projects. He began Red Star Games in June 2004 for freelance writing and games designing, worked for Mongoose games on creating their Starship Troopers line, worked at Blizzard from 2005 to 2009, officially becoming Creative Director in 2006, and he also acted as lead writer on Starcraft 2. Furthermore, he was involved with 40,000 to some extent, working with Fantasy Flight Games on some books of Warhammer 40,000 Roleplaying. This was in 2010-11 when he went back to freelancing, also he wrote novels for Black library and did the Dust Warfare game in this time. After this he’s been working for Reforged Studios as a creative director, done IP and world development for various digital games, written the Dropfleet Commander game and Blood Red Skies, his WW2 fighter combat game on the tabletop front.

Andy is one the most important developers of the Warhammer 40,000 Universe.

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Interview with Graham McNeill

After writing a story in primary school about a giant octopus smashing up a boat, Graham realised that making stuff up was easier (also a lot more fun) than reality and decided at an early age that he was either going to be a binman or a writer. Fortunately, a life on the bins wasn’t on the cards and, after escaping a stint as a building surveyor in Glasgow, he headed south to join Games Workshop’s Games Development Team. Here he worked on projects such as the Tau, Necrons, Witch Hunters, Space Marines and Black Templars Codexes for Warhammer 40,000, Conquest of the New World and The Empire for Warhammer, and The Two Towers for The Lord of the Rings. Between populating the various Warhammer universes with fiends and heroes, he’s written over fifty short stories and thirty novels for the Black Library and a number of other publishers.

Graham left Games Workshop in the summer of 2006 and spent the next decade working as a full-time freelance author, spending most of his days locked in a tiny office (or tea shoppe), dreaming up new and interesting ways to put his characters through hell on the pages of his stories. Since leaving Games Workshop, he’s ventured far and wide, continuing to cause havoc in the worlds of Warhammer as well as those of Blizzard entertainment’s Starcraft universe and travelling back in time to the 1920s to unleash eldritch horror in a trilogy of books set in the Lovecraftian vein of terror that is Fantasy Flight Games Arkham Horror.

His Horus Heresy novel, A Thousand Sons, was a New York Times bestseller, and Empire, the second novel in the Sigmar trilogy, won the 2010 David Gemmell Legend Award for best fantasy novel.

Graham left the rain-swept shores of fair Britannia in the summer of 2015 to take gainful employment with a promising band of plucky video game entrepreneurs named Riot Games in Los Angeles, working as a Senior Narrative Writer in the cut and thrust of the Narrative Discipline.

Graham is one the most important shapers of the Warhammer Universe.

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Interview with Michael O’Brien, the Vice President of the New Chaosium

Michael O’Brien is Vice President for Chaosium. His role encompasses creative development, community outreach and commissioning new board games and fiction.

Michael, better known in the gaming community as “MOB”, he has been a long-time creative force for RuneQuest and Glorantha. MOB with Rick Meints, David Hall, Nick Brooke and others staffed the leading Glorantha fanzine Tales of the Reaching Moon (1989-2002).  As well as being a contributor to the critically acclaimed Guide to Glorantha, his professional writing and editorial credits extend back to the «RQ Renaissance» of the early 1990s.

Michael published two issues of another fanzine, the Glorantha Con Down Under fundraiser Questlines. These were published in 1995 and 1998 as fund-raisers for gaming conventions held in Melbourne, Australia.

Michael also created Gorp #1 (Summer, 2000) a fake fanzine that purported to be a rare collectible from 1982.  This magazine was produced for a British gaming convention in 2000, and because it nevertheless featured original material by Ken Rolston, Greg Stafford, David Hall and O’Brien, Gorp.

In 2015 MOB became a co-owner of Moon Design Publications, along with Rick Meints, Jeff Richard and Neil Robinson. Later that year as part of an announcement by Greg Stafford that Moon Design Publications had joined the ownership group of game company Chaosium, O’Brien became vice president of Chaosium.

MOB is a member of Chaosium’s Board of Directors.

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